Sunday, July 29, 2007

My baby doesn't like waking up.

Yup. It is really hard to wake Anya up. I literally poke and prod and try to tickle her awake, and it will generally take me a good 10 minutes to realize success.

She gets a little cranky- more like frustrated actually. It's as if she is saying, "Dad, stop being such a little bastard and let me sleep!"

Then she calms down and is fine. But it does take a while, for sure.


Mum said...

Anya is so beautiful!! I am so jealous! I want to hold her so bad! (Retired teachers don't need to be grammatical.) It looks like you're having fun! That makes me happy.
Love Mum.

D-n-E said...

I hear you about the difficulty of waking a baby up. We have taken to letting Reid sleep until he wakes himself up. It seemed a shame to force him to wake up and it was a chore--10, 15, sometimes 20 minutes just to get him aware of the world. Glad to see you guys are doing well. When do you take off for Wales? (or are you already gone...?)

Unknown said...

Ah man that really is an adorable little larva. She's so cute and i don't usually think babies are cute until at least 6 months, maybe more.
